Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Brief Intro


My name.

Okay. It’s not. I wish though.

I’ve chosen to blog under a pseudo because I want to express myself freely.

It’s not my first blog. I am a diligent blogger but recently I’ve started to feel a reluctance to write about the people in my life. For the simple reason that they are reading whatever I’m writing. It’s no longer my personal space where I can mudsling anyone. Hence Demeter was born.

But why Demeter?

Wasn’t she a Greek goddess or something?

Yes she was!

I’ve always been fascinated by Greek mythological and historical figures. And Demeter is the closest I can relate to. Aphrodite also, minus the beauty part. I am pretty but not that pretty!

In any case, if you like reading random blogs, especially nonsensical ramblings – sometimes not – then stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I just wated to say hi. I'm so honored to be your first follower. :) I think Demeter is a beautiful name, great choice! Stop by my blogs and say hello if you get a chance.
    Manda and also,
