Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mrs BM And Her Drama

When I was a teenager I told myself that I'd never fall for a guy who already has kids. I remember being an avid reader of Mills & Boon and I'd make sure that I do not pick up any book illustrating the hero as a father of one child or more. I managed pretty well until I met Mister H. I was so head over heels that him having 4 kids from 4 different women didn't even bother me. THEN. I'm still not bothered by it now. I mean I love kids and I don't mind his relationship with them. Nor with the baby mommas. But part of me wished that his baby mommas would stay away from us. Or cease to exist.

3 of them live far away from us. Except the third one. First time we met we hit it off like a house on fire. She was so nice to me. I took an instant liking to her and thought she was the best amongst the BMs. For a few months we kinda bonded and were on 'girlfriend' mode. Mister H was so pleased - and a bit cocky if you ask me for he constantly bragged about his missus and BM being the best of pals and so on - that he encouraged our friendship.

Any misgivings I had melted away. Until a couple of months ago. Mrs BM, it seems, can't stop telling me about Mister H and her - why their relationship didn't work, the reason she left him, how she got played etc. A first time turned into a second time turned into a third...'til I couldn't keep count. Plus, the 'advice' and how I should be careful. Mister H and I started to argue because of her. After careful thinking I started to distance myself away from her bitterness and her obvious delight to my misery. For the sake of the child I was being courteous. She still didn't pick up on my 'cold vibes' and think it's her duty to report Mister H's each and every move when I'm not around.

It all came to an end - I would like to believe so - when she had someone calling me at home. The anonymous caller doesn't even know how I look like but according to her Mister H is cheating on me with Ms Slutty, not knowing that Ms Slutty is also a friend of mine; she always visits me when she comes home. Then followed another phone call from Mrs BM herself to tell me that Mister H is with someone, unaware that he was on the other line talking to me.

That was the last straw. I stopped talking to her altogether. I promise myself I would no longer entertain her 'passion' of driving a wedge between Mister H and I. Next time if/when she calls me I'll certainly give her a piece of my mind and not so politely, ask her to butt off. Period.


  1. She clearly has not gotten over your man and wants him bad enough to want to ruin your relationhip. She's doing the "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" deal. Don't let her bother you. Your man chose you. :) something she can only dream of.

  2. Yes you are right...I'm starting to realise it...She is getting worse...

  3. It sounds like distance is the best. It's like in high school when everyone picks on the happy kid who is perfectly content doing his own thing. You don't need the drama or the BS. She is trying to manipulate you and him. You don't deserve her crap! Try to maintain the distance.
